Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Green with Envy

Hello, my friends,

We've met before. I'm Envy. I've been around since the Garden of Eden. You can't help but be attracted to my lovely shade of bright neon green. There are few who don't love to bask in the light of my glow. Whether by day or night, I will get your attention. It's what I do. My sole purpose is to take your focus off your path, your work, your family, your friends, and especially off of God. It is easy to do. I simply give you a glimpse at what is just beyond your reach.
Look, just over there--that path across the way.
And, there. Your buddy's job is quite prestigious, isn't it?
Who's that across the street? Isn't that your neighbor's wife and three adorable boys. She's stacked, seems built for pleasure, if you know what I mean. Her husband is buff, no wonder he has a wife like her. You could use some time at the gym, don't you think? And those boys always win trophies. Your boys seldom do. Such a shame.
Wow, what was that? Oh, yes, it's your brother's flashy, red Porsche. What car do you drive? A Honda CRV. Hmm, well, I suppose it is practical. At least it's red.
Where's your boss, today? In Switzerland, skiing in the Alps? Didn't he fly there in his own private jet? When was the last time you took a vacation? Oh, that's right, you took the family on a camping trip to Turner Falls, Oklahoma. I guess you were surrounded by mountains if you can call those hills mountains.
Are you catching on, yet?
I enlighten you on all the things which you don't have, which you should have, which you must have! I disparage every good blessing you experience, by comparison. God's will in the matter is no longer important. All you see is what I put before you through selfish eyes of mortal finite sight. Ultimately, as I did to Adam and Eve, I draw you to God's Power, Dominion, and Creations, but away from Him.
I am your Master, and a good one. I drive you to work longer hours to get that raise that will enable you to afford that new Porsche. I encourage you to get that higher education even if you have to take out student loans of nearly insurmountable debt to gain the degree and skills to obtain that grand salary like your brother Bill. I will convince you to take out a second mortgage to pay for that mountain cabin. I will insist that you max out your credit cards to take that European Vacation. It will, after all, be so educational for the kids. Then, I keep you striving for more, always trudging to pay off your debts--so that you don't ruin your credit.
When the opportunities run out to achieve greater success, the credit is shot, the economy has gone south, or you just don't want to work that hard--I whisper in your ear that it's okay to appropriate that envelope of petty cash in your bosses drawer, to funnel some of the corporation's funds into your own anonymous account, to steal your friend's dress and a neat pair of shoes out of her closet the next time you visit, to beat up the guy who lives two doors down, whom you never liked, and take his $150.00 basketball shoes that you noticed happen to be your size.
     I started the First Truly Worldwide Green Movement. They have it. We want it. Let's take it. Slaves, land, villages, towns, cities, states, kingdoms, countries, nations, and empires were overcome by my green glow, painting the streets with the red blood of my subjects. Too bad the innocent get in the way. Red is such a complimentary color to green, don't you think?
    I have helped raise trillions of dollars for all those lovely, irritating commercials that interrupt your shows and sports games. Because of me, trillions more are raised to cover the medical expenses of my stressed-out servants. You know, all that anxiety is bad for the heart, causes cancer and increases the size of your waistlines. With more things comes more responsibility, and the need to protect what you have from those other people who want your stuff and aren't afraid to take it.
Of course, I am also the one who stimulates the growth of law enforcement; the legal system; the prisons; the emergency rooms; the hospitals; the latest greatest drug to cure those stress-related illnesses or numb the pain of a frantic or shallow existence. I am at the giver of the best high and dangle false hopes of the promise of youth.
I am the reason for the necessity of military spending. The size of the trade deficit and the National Debt of the Greatest Nation Under God on this planet are two of my grandest achievements. Soon I hope to bring down all governments through my influence upon the younger generation whom I have convinced that they are entitled to higher wages, welfare, healthcare, fancy clothes, tasty delights, fast cars, bling, cell phones, entertainment, higher education, housing, drugs, and alcohol--whatever they fancy really. Doesn't this seem reasonable?
I've convinced even my hardest workers that this is only fair. They don't mind, and if they do, no matter. They will keep working for me because they can never be satisfied. Even if they should find satisfaction, the rest of my restless, selfish clan will force the best and brightest to keep up the pace or suffer the consequences.
Yes, Yes. I know this will wreak havoc and chaos, but so it must to reset the game. Throughout history, I have been the catalyst of the collapse of even the greatest of Empires. Me! Little old Envy. Who would have thought?
God knew all along what I could do, would do. He established a commandment against me. Oh, you know. the tenth. Do not covet? Remember? No? So few of you guessed it. I'm not surprised. My dazzling neon green self has distracted you from even caring what God wants, you only care what you want. In fact, because of me, more and more of you have forgotten God. Many others never saw Him, don't believe He exists. And, without His light in the way--my light is ever so much brighter.
It's such a shame, really, that so few know Him. He's awesome in wonder. He did create the entire universe with a word. His inspiration is behind true innovation, wisdom, and knowledge. He is Love--not the wishy-washy, fickle affections and lusts that I tantalize you with, but real unconditional, sacrificial, steadfast, eternal love.
Get this, (even this brings tears to my eyes), He sent His only begotten Son to be born as one of you, a human, mortal, but perfect in obedience, love, and faith, to die as a sacrifice for your sins, an excruciating, humiliating death on a cross, that all of you can have eternal life with Him. That's how much He loves you.
You are a pathetic lot. I don't know what the Almighty sees in you, let alone understand how He can love you. He's so perfect, so radiant. In Him is the fulness of peace and joy. He is Love. How can He stand you? I don't get it.
I, Envy, envy those who find Him in spite of my distractions. I don't, however, envy the rest of you who sell yourselves short for a lessor light like me. Hell is what's in store for you. Hell is where I'll be spending Eternity, so you, who bathe in my light, will also be serving me there. We can be miserably unsatisfied and tormented over this unfathomable love and mercy that such a God would give to wretched humans. Until then, keep up the hard work, and live the impossible, never-ending dream of more and better.

Lori Vidak
Revised 3-12-20

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