Friday, May 16, 2014

Is Your God Green?

    Whether you think that marijuana should be legalized or not, if you smoke the weed, has it become your God? Think about it? do you spend more time smoking it, thinking about it, growing it, fraternizing with fellow pot smokers and talking about it than just about anything else. Do you spend more money on pot than you can afford? Perhaps more than on dates with your significant other, on gifts for your mom, on your education? Do you spend more on pot than  you give back to help others?
Can you walk away from that next hit, with not another thought as to if you'll ever take another?

    Anything that controls your life, becomes the center of your life, or influences your life to the point that you identify with it and others identify you because of it, has become an idol in your life--a green one. Maybe you don't care. Maybe you do. But, I personally wouldn't want to rely upon the almighty weed to help me put my life in order, to supply all my needs, or give me eternal life.
     Maybe you think you hear directly from God because you smoke weed, but I tell you that the Creator God doesn't need weed to enhance communication. In fact, being under the influence of any intoxicant makes you open to the voice and influence of demons and dark spirits, not God. If you want to hear from God, clear your head, and open your heart to Him, don't clutter up your brain with green fog.
    If you are simply a casual smoker, as some people are casual drinkers, I do not say that pot of itself is evil or that it will keep you from your salvation. I only say that when we play around with anything that can interfere with our thought processes and open us up to making dumb decisions, we reap what we sew.
    If you smoke marijuana, or are considering it, think on what it is really doing for you. Would your life be more or less fulfilled without it? Only you can answer that question. Leave a comment and let me know your answer. You can tell me what you think is good about the plant, or you can leave a comment about a bad experience with it.

Lori Vidak

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